
it has to all keep moving

rob mclennan: What do you see the current role of the writer being in larger culture? Do they even have one? What do you think the role of the writer should be?

Luke Hathaway: I do think writers have a role in trying to keep the bullshit out of language; or, in trying to purge the language of the bullshit, once the bullshit has gotten in.

Beyond that ... writers are listeners, or should be; instruments through which the motion of meaning in the universe can register itself in the particular medium which is language. It has to all keep moving, though; if meaning stays written down, it gets dead. We have to read it, re-speak it, if it’s going to keep on living in the world.

- Luke Hathaway, answering rob mclennan's 12 or 20 questions over on his blog. You can read the whole thing here

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