i went to do a blog post this morning and found that my notebook i'd been using over the last few weeks was lost

- probably fell out of a pannier on one of our many ferry/bus transfers. it didn't have much in it, and i've managed to reconstruct most of the poems from memory (with some interesting gaps in places i never thought i would have forgotten things - titles, key lines, etc.). it's not a terribly big deal, but it's still one of those nightmare scenarios that runs around in my head and makes me back up every poem in five places (including my
Fort Knox Gun Safe), so it rattled me a bit.
p.s. then i realised that some people (
like Bo Derek and Bobby Knight) live in worlds in which it is acceptable to own large, fireproof gun safes, and got over myself.
"I was shocked when the safe was opened their was no damage to the funs or valuables."
and a world where guns is mistyped as funs!
and Chuck Yeager can now leave home with a "safe" feeling.
Damn, I have a similar 'lost notebook' story. I realized I left it on top of a payphone at Shin Yokohama station in Japan. I didn't have loads of stuff in it, but a good amount of stuff. I even went 2 hours back to the station the next day to talk to the very unhelpful station police in my severely limited Japanese to recover it. But no luck. Who steals a gaijin's poetry notebook? Anyway, I tried to recreate most of it on the 3 hour shinkansen ride the next day, after wandering around for 2 hours in blistering heat in the Ginza district to find a new one, but it was difficult to recall everything...
Actually, the story is a lot longer than this, but abridged for ease of reading! I'm glad to hear you remembered most of it.
yeah. i'm pretty lucky, all things considered. it's funny to think of all the near misses - especially in Ghana - which would have been pretty close to your story, Leopold, and would have involved far more lost writing.
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