It's understandable, really, that people weren't interested. Who in Canada cares about poems on Ghana, especially those which reference obscure elements of the country's history? Likewise, why would Ghanaians be interested in poems about their country written from an outsider's perspective in a foreign idiom? They are weird poems which don't have a natural home, so I wasn't all that surprised that they were passed over.
But the problem was that I really, really liked them. So when I got back to Canada I stubbornly compiled a chapbook of twelve of the stronger poems and sent it around to chapbook publishers. I also sent all the poems back out for a second round of journal rejections. Well, the chapbook thing seems to be heading in a familiar direction (80% rejection, 20% unaccounted for). The journal thing, though, is, for god-knows-what reason, starting to yield some results.
All of a sudden, The Antigonish Review, The Dalhousie Review and Kemeny Babineau's The New Chief Tongue have picked up poems - and not just any poems, some of the poems most heavily laced with Ghanaian historical and cultural references. It's been a pleasant surprise, and has shaken my belief in the provincial nature of Canadian literature (a little bit).
It's also made me more determined to self-publish the chapbook and get it out soon. I only need to get to printing the covers and the second edition of splattered earth will be done, then it's on to this new project. At the rate I've been working lately, though, it could take months...
My point, though, is that it is coming - a year later than I wanted it to, perhaps - but coming nonetheless. Likewise, I've been planning on posting the aforementioned poems here, but I think I might put them up as gap-fillers during slow periods on One Ghana, One Voice instead - so if you're interested, keep checking in there.
For now, thanks to those East-coast (coincidence?), Ghana-loving magazines for giving these strange little beasts of mine a shot...
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