
You may have already bought my next chapbook

You know how I'm always encouraging you to subscribe to the Alfred Gustav Press chapbook series? Well, hopefully you took me up on the suggestion, as the AG editors have decided to sweeten the pot for Series Nine (November 2012) by including a bonus mini-chapbook (in their occasional Holm series) - and it's by me!

Entitled Smoothing the Holy Surfaces (after the Neruda lines in the epigraph for P.K. Page's poem "Planet Earth"), it features four new poems and a short prose piece. Or five new poems, one of which is a prose poem (depending on how you like to slice it). It will be included along with the previous announced chapbooks by Gerald Hill, Sandy Shreve, and Douglas Burnet Smith. I'm thrilled to be included in such fine company, even if as a minor opening act.

The subscription deadline for the series has passed, so if you missed out you're out of luck. If you heeded my sage advice, I hope you enjoy the poems when they arrive!

The Alfred Gustav Press, Series Three, from 2009.
It's too late to subscribe to it, also.

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