i recently realised that it's been more than a year since i released my chapbook "splattered earth." i still have thirty or so copies kicking around my house and this seems to be as appropriate a time as any to get rid of them.
so, here's the plan: you will buy a number of copies (twenty-eight?). in return, i will offer you a mesmerizingly fantastic deal:
THRU PAYPAL (there's a link on the sidebar):
if you live in the US: ignore the "Canada only" part. i'll mail the thing to your door FOR THE SAME DAMN PRICE. and in Canadian funds. wow!
if you live in Canada: 2 for 1! i'll throw in an extra copy which you can give to your spouse, a friend, or that-guy-who-isn't-really-your-friend-but-who-you-still-have-to-give-a-christmas-gift-to-at-the-office-party-or-whenever-it-is-that-you-happen-to-run-into-him-during-the-holiday-season.
find me somewhere and i'll sell you a copy for a buck. i will also sell you seven copies for five dollars. i will NOT sell you any number of copies between two and six, nor will i sell you more than seven copies, unless in increments of seven (fourteen, twenty-one, ninety-eight, etc.). too much paperwork.
want to know a little more about the product before making such a significant investment? you can get more info here, and you can read a selection of poems from the chapbook here.
thanks for considering my meagre offer. as a reward for your attentiveness, here is a stunning batman fan film - if in a hurry, just fast forward to 3:55 and watch Robin try to climb over a railing.