The release of three of my promotional efforts for Best Canadian Poetry 2019 have conveniently coincided with the worst pandemic to hit our planet in over a century. So if your quarantine could be spiced up with a little "Rob Taylor yammering on aimlessly," do I have some links for you.
Page Fright Podcast, Episode 26: Rob Taylor
Following up on Page Fright's Best Canadian Poetry special episode, I sat down with the podcast's host, Andrew French, to discuss writing and editing (and grounds-keeping, and Cuban crabs, and former Canucks coaches, and...)
Page Fright is doing a wonderful job of providing an online platform for Vancouver poets, established and "up-and-coming" alike. Do check it out if you haven't yet.
A Different Rhythm: Editing Against the Clock, Literary Review of Canada
I wrote a fun little essay for LRC about editing Best Canadian Poetry 2019. I focused on all the silly ways I made space/time to read 2,133 poems on top of my normal hectic schedule. The essay features my favourite sentence I've ever written: "Joggers rubbernecked."
Elm & Ampersand Podcast, Episode 14: Amanda Jernigan and Rob Taylor
Recorded during my recent trip through the Maritimes, this podcast features Amanda Jernigan, Douglas Walbourne-Gough and me talking with hosts Rebecca Salazar and Jenna Lyn Albert about our experiences with Best Canadian Poetry 2019 and What the Poets Are Doing. Poetry Power Couples, and my tip for young writers re: poetry power couples, make an appearance, too.
Elm & Ampersand is the Maritimes' premiere poetry podcast, so be sure to subscribe and give some of their previous episodes a listen.
Page Fright Podcast, Episode 26: Rob Taylor
Following up on Page Fright's Best Canadian Poetry special episode, I sat down with the podcast's host, Andrew French, to discuss writing and editing (and grounds-keeping, and Cuban crabs, and former Canucks coaches, and...)
Page Fright is doing a wonderful job of providing an online platform for Vancouver poets, established and "up-and-coming" alike. Do check it out if you haven't yet.
A Different Rhythm: Editing Against the Clock, Literary Review of Canada
I wrote a fun little essay for LRC about editing Best Canadian Poetry 2019. I focused on all the silly ways I made space/time to read 2,133 poems on top of my normal hectic schedule. The essay features my favourite sentence I've ever written: "Joggers rubbernecked."
Elm & Ampersand Podcast, Episode 14: Amanda Jernigan and Rob Taylor
Recorded during my recent trip through the Maritimes, this podcast features Amanda Jernigan, Douglas Walbourne-Gough and me talking with hosts Rebecca Salazar and Jenna Lyn Albert about our experiences with Best Canadian Poetry 2019 and What the Poets Are Doing. Poetry Power Couples, and my tip for young writers re: poetry power couples, make an appearance, too.
Elm & Ampersand is the Maritimes' premiere poetry podcast, so be sure to subscribe and give some of their previous episodes a listen.