
Malahat Review Listserv Found Poem #2

"A decade after I broke the malahat review listserv" - Patrick Grace

Oh my god I accidentally
sent one email.
I've just learned from a friend
a terrible fate.

As I understand it,
it comes from the heart--
"fuck off, delete me"
in English, it means unsubscribe.

The poor human
who made this mistake again.
Someone alert NATO!
Call the police and the army!

Something went haywire.
Please correct this
warped sense of humour.
You all have time for this.

Thank you to Patrick Grace, who brought us the 2014 meltdown, for this little gem. You can read all the found poems in this series here. To submit your own, email it to me at roblucastaylor(at)gmail(dot)com.

1 comment:

Sofi said...

This is delightful!