My contribution wasn't quite as memorable as those of others, but I recounted High Altitude Poetry's early days and how openly and warmly we were welcomed into Pandora's extended family, and I read "Irradiated" (retitled as "That One Semester" in The Other Side of Ourselves), a poem dating back to those early days when I was first getting involved with Pandora's.
It was a pretty wonderful evening all around, with lots of good feeling and well-deserved praise being sent towards Pandora's founders Bonnie Nish and Sita Carboni. Unfortunately, I forgot my camera, so I can only bring you photos of the memorabilia from the event: buttons!
The buttons feature excerpts from poems by Daniela Elza, Timothy Shay, Diane Tucker, and myself:
My three quotes are from "Haiku 1-4", "Happiness" and "You Can't Lead a Horse", all in TOSOO:
Thanks to Kyla Bourgh for putting the buttons together. As I headed out at the end of the evening, I noticed that most of them had been sold, so hopefully a few bucks were raised for Pandora's. And thank again, of course, to Bonnie and Sita for all they've done for Vancouver poetry over the last decade!
it was a very successful night.
people were ready to give more for the box once they found out what was in it. so it really sold twice:-)
PS and you were very funny:-)
Thanks, Daniela. The box definitely raised more money than my jokes, tho...
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